Saturday, December 4, 2010

You know what? I'm ready to lose weight. Carrying around extra weight sucks. I cant do things as easily as I should be able to do. Being sick sucks too.. all the endless pounds of snot coming from who knows where >.< sucks.  Staying up all night to study for a test sucks too. But if that's what it takes to get a good grade i'll do it. only 5 more days till Christmas break......

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Cinnamon Sugar Bread

Made Cinnamon sugar bread for breakfast. Its really good with a little honey. Gotta survive untill lunch then some Nazi zombies. Here is another Christmas video for today! Featuring me, Anthony, Ben, Cody, and Tim. enjoy!

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ready for Thanksgiving break to get here. Need to get my business plan done, and need to get the garden ready for next year.  But my real reason for posting is because I wanted to share this video :P enjoy!

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

garden and homemade soda pop

I feel like I need to post some more on my garden before the growing season is completely over.  Last Sunday I picked a gallon of green beans and some okra. Im hoping to get at least one pumpkin to grow on my vine.... But im not sure if any of the flowers will get pollinated or not..

last Monday night I decided to attempt to brew soda pop the traditional way. Buy mixing fruit juices, seasonings, spices, with water and sugar and adding yeast. This mixture is bottled and sits for 2 to 3 days maybe a week depending on how long it needs.  As the yeast eats some of the sugar it releases carbon dioxide gas carbonating the drink. When It has the right level of carbonation you put the bottles into the fridge to slow the process down and drink them whenever you want!  The Cherry  lemon soda I made just finished today. :D

If you ever read my blog id love it of you could leave comments telling me what you think :)


p.s. Pray for Anthony's brother Caleb he fell off his bike last night and broke his arm and chipped a tooth

Friday, August 6, 2010


not sure how much i weigh right lol but I did see 79 pounds at one point :P  

Im trying to do videos on youtube of cooking stuff/making stuff you know all that weird stuff im into that most people dont think is worth the time. Well I want it to lead up to next summer when im hoping to go the whole summer only eating/drinking things I grow,catch,gather ect. myself and do a daily video on it.

So I need some feedback
What do you think?
what are some things you would find difficult to grow,catch,gather that you use often?

Here is a video I made on making sourdough bread. enjoy! I know I did :)

Monday, July 26, 2010

why do I weigh less in the morning? thats kinda annoying i'll be 182 pounds in the morning and 188 pounds in the evening... So im not really sure what kinda progress im making yet >.<

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Dad tried to get me to go eat out last night and I resisted cuz i'd never lose weight with that kinda food lol. I ended up not even eating dinner after I passed out at like 7 and slept 13 hours waking up for church and hour early. Got up acouple times in the night to drink water I've been doing that alot lately. I'll wake up really thirsty and have to go find water. I'm really thirsty right now too. Guess I'll have to start keeping a gallon of water in my room.  So I'm trying to feel plant inspired again for awhile. I need to clean off the shelf in my room and plant some seeds and see how fast I can get them to grow. Maybe get some fruit off them b4 winter. Maybe some late watermelons :D
As of right now hmm 183-184 pounds? ok i'll take that lol

Friday, July 23, 2010

losing weight

I know the self control it takes to really lose weight. I've done it before it isint very easy i've lost 40 pounds in one summer before by eating squash and working outside all day every day lol. I dont usually have THAT much self control who does? but I want to lose weight before school starts on August 16th. Right now im 188-189 ish pounds and I want to get it to 170. Just 20 pounds in over 3 weeks I can totally do that. :) Today I had a 4egg and cheese sandwich and a gallon of water while I spent a few hours out picking berries. I'm pretty hungry right now So i'll prolly cook 2 or 3 ears of corn and just eat that.
Farmers Market in the morning tomorrow. Hope lots of people come out to check out everything the vendors have to offer! Any farmers market is the best place to get your favorite veggies fresh and good.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Maulberry jam is frustrating me didnt set well. I'll have to work on it again today

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Jalapeno Jelly

Begin by placing 6 half pint glass canning jars into your boiling water bath to sterilize them.
gather your fresh jalapenos and bell peppers

Chop 1 cup of bell pepper and 1/2 cup of jalapeno pepper

combine them in a food processor and puree them together
 take 5 cups of sugar and 1 1/2 cups of apple cider vinegar and combine them in a pot with the pureed peppers
 stir often or high heat. Once boiling stir constantly for 3 minits then remove from hear. Lets it rest for 5 minuets. Then mix in 6oz. liquid pectin stir it in well then rest for 2 minuets. Then stir for 1 minuet and your ready to pour the mixture into your jars! After filling the jars seal them in a boiling water bath for 10-15 minuets. 

Saturday, June 26, 2010

farmers market

Farmers market today went well. We had one new guy selling his extra squash, one guy selling blueberries and tomatoes, and another guy selling tomatoes green beans cucumbers and other veggies, I brought out my blackberries and assorted blackberry commodities, we had the goat cheese assorted vegetable plants and some honey from Broken Arrow. Didn't have as many customers most of the day but I always enjoy the fellowship especially after being gone foe 2 weeks.
I'm still waiting on the parts I need for my bee hive to come in the mail so I can get it started.

Friday, June 25, 2010

waking up and dreaming

Ugh its so hard to get up in the morning when its just me and my alarm clock. I wake up 4 or 5 times and every time pass back out.. >.< anyway... Last nights dream was pretty cool. I was on a train and i guess it was mostly me and the people who went to falls creek with my church. There were 3 or 4 adults who climbed out a window and were walking around outside like cartoons like stretching there legs 20 feet and easily keeping up with the train i remember 2 of them were Jim and Ben. Then the guy driving the train comes out and explained how because of him that was a feature of his train everyone on it was like a cartoon. Idk who he was some tall old man with short thick white hair. We were all kinda glowing and had a slight funky yellow outline that flickered. After that i ended up outside and he was there and had some kind of weird cartoon hang glider. And he was alot younger now more around my age like he was my friend. He told me to hang on and we took off zooming forward and spinning and i almost threw up several times but it was still awesome. We ended up in Ireland and saw a concert and when we got closer i realized it was Gaelic Storm. So we landed on the roof and listened for awhile. Someone finally spotted us so we started to take off again but the glider kinda swooped in front of the stage in the process b4 we got away crashing the concert. Then my alarm went off for like the 4th time so i got up..... So after riding a cartoon train and hangliding to Ireland and crashing a concert of one of my favorite bands.. Ive got to get up and get something productive done today.. And get ready for tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

bee hive

Finished my first bee hive yesterday all it needs it the 24 top bars and the false back bar all of which is in the mail and show be here within a week. Then it just needs some bees! ^_^ so i'll post more pictures when its really really done.

Monday, June 14, 2010

From Hale scout camp to Falls Creek

last week was scout camp. I had fun getting to know the new scouts and the leaders better. Pretty much every morning around 5 me and some of the other leaders got up and headed down to the pool for mile swim practice. The swimming wasent too bad but the excercises were exausting. On Thuresday morning we got up and went down to the lake and swam a mile. Skylar was my swimming buddy and he was trying to go alot faster than I wanted to go lol but I mad it through all right.
I've been workin on this bee hive for awhile I just finished the lid that goes over the top of the hive a few minits ago. I'll have to finish the rest of the hive after Falls creek.... then get some bees!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Had a dream last night. Was at church and gremlins attacked so i went and found my ax but they had already eaten most of it then it flooded and they multiplied and in the end i ended up just huddling in a group of people and selling crab apple jelly to the frantic crowds of people running by alittle while after that i woke up. Glad it was just a dream and gremlins didnt really attack but man wish i could sell that much jelly.

Monday, May 10, 2010


I feel like Hamlet but she was never going to be my Ophelia was she, and now she wont even be my Horatio. but alas.. everything happens for a reason dosent it? I feel as though the sun has set on a barley new sunrise and no one can see it but me. As if I am invisible and alone watching everyone else move by as I sit and wait for nothing..

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

You never really know how importaint what you have is to you untill its gone...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The only thing more confusing in my life than chemistry.. Girls..

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My heart

I noticed during ccf tonight how when im singing praise songs whatever is really on my heart comes to my mind and I end up standing there thinking about that for awhile be it school, certain people, things I want to grow and how I want to do it. Its like people say they do there best thinking in the shower will idk I mean I try to focus on God but its really the only time the best ideas come out of my heart and into my head.

My heart feels really heavy as of late for idk several reasons. It isint sure how it feel about relationships there so confusing and can be so painful and the only thing my heart really wants to be doing is running around like a kid in the woods outside in the summer like weather like I did for awhile today. I showed up back at the house soaked with a jar full of crawfish and minnows. Then passed out on the couch. I feel like I have senioritus but im not a senior anymore.... maybe is ready for my new major itus?
ugh idk I'm feeling really really really blah.

God should hold the key to my heart.. and anyone who wants that key should have to grow close to him to be able to find it

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Im testing moble blogging. Sometimes when im feeling blogging inspiration I need an easier way to blog then to find an internet connection for my laptop so im trying the option of writting a blog from my phone.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Homework, midterms, and life by the end of the day I never really remember the morning. It feels like months ago. Didnt have a clue what my professor was talking about in Chem lecture after that I grabbed some food and worked on Chem homework taking a break to go to zoo lecture. I then grabbed my Chem work and rushed back to the science building to check out this chemistry help session thing. It was pretty cool I got my work done!!! Now i've got to work on understanding it more. Nerf gun fight was fun my nerf gun totally rules. Hobnobbing was good lots of people and fun times. Got my Physical geology quiz done and soon to go to bed for a long day of hopefully completely writting a paper and studying? Tomorrow. If my grades were a plant they would be a sycamore tree. Cuz they just look sick more :/ hope that can change soon.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


So Midterms are next week and i've got this physical geology paper that hopefully wont be too bad I've just gotta do it... I feel behind in Chemistry lecture, ok in Chemistry lab but not sure I can remember everything for the mid term if I ever knew it in the first place.. Zoo lecture is awful I study until I think I know it well then get as much sleep as I can and barley pass the test :/ Chem lab is bad cuz all we've done thus far is 5 quizzes and I failed the first 2 and made 7/10 on the last 3 so I havent made any grades above a c in their yet : /. Midterm is gonna have a huge affect on my grade.
Social life is ok though I wish I had a lot more time to spend with people some more than others.
In my perfect school day i'd wake up, read my Bible, go to class and maybe study 2 or 3 hours, have a great lunch with friends, find someone to record me making blackberry jam or jalapeno jelly or apple butter or apple jelly or anything like that and post the video on YouTube and blog about it. Then I'd have dinner and play games and watch movies with friends. sounds fun. One more week and I get a week break from homework.....

I wanna include some pics though of fun things that have happened since my last post.

Monday, February 15, 2010

lol. Taco!

ugg todays been pretty stressful. Thought this was funny though

Saturday, February 13, 2010

15 confessions cuz I cant think of 20 without breakfast

Yea I like the idea of posting this here cuz no one really reads my blog lol

1. Sometimes I just don’t understand you at all but your still a good friend

2. I think you’re a good leader and have grown a lot.

3. I miss hanging out with you it was always fun

4. I think you have crazy amounts of potential to go far

5. I think your really cool and I’d like to get to know you better

6. Your personality confuses everyone but I guess that’s just who you are

7. Though you broke my heart several times I’m not perfect either, but I forgive you for anything you did.

8. We should hang out more you’re my little and your pretty cool

9. You need to copy your music for me! You can have my music lol

10. You’re my new little we need to hang out!

11. I like you but even if you like me I'm not sure your ready

12. Im always busy when you try to hang out lol Maybe it’ll get easier

13. I never woulda walked like 5 miles through the creek if you hadn’t talked me into it

14. You’re my only ex-roommate that would leave a mini fridge in the room lol

15. The only friend I have who brags all day about how good you can dance to Womanizer

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Lettuce and Cabbage

My seedlings are germinating! :) Still waiting on the Jalapenos to germinate, but they are all in a much warmer environment now. Its 81.8 degrees :). I've been thinking about other seeds I need to order soon. I want to grow some ever berry straw berries. They are smaller, but produce berries all year round instead of just one month.
Check Out the Red Cabbage!!

I spent last night and today re organizing and cleaning my room and I'm quite happy with it now :) I was looking through all the food and stuff I got for Christmas and theres really alot of great stuff there! Now I just need a friend to come hang out and snack with me lol. Any takers? Sigma Theta meeting tomorrow so Anthony Will be moving back in. He doesn't turn down good food and fellowship often lol. I want to wake up in the morning tomorrow. I went to bed around 6 this morning so I'll have to sleep alot earlier tonight

Friday, January 8, 2010

Cold on Germination rates

The cold is slowing my garden down too much!! Jalapenos are supposed to germinate Jan.7-17 Lettuce is supposed to germinate Jan.9-16 and Cabbage should germinate Jan. 7-16. Not awful yet but defiantly having an impact. I am usually able to germinate seeds before the minimum number of days. It has been pretty cold in my room at home over Christmas break (60's-70's) Hopefully returning to school will help jump start the seeds. My room at school is usually 80ish no problem. Small stone houses tend to be easier to heat up fast. Pictures will be up as soon as something starts to grow if not sooner.
I am so ready to hang out with more friends and am looking forward to new opportunities this semester will provide. This semester I am seeking to find more inner joy in my life, and improvement on time management. With all these science classes time management is huge if I want to have fun and hang out too :) So I want to know how my readers are doing. Are you going to grow a garden? What do you want to grow? Do you need any gardening advice? What are you plans for this semester in your life? How are you going to improve your self and grow closer to God?