Thursday, March 4, 2010


So Midterms are next week and i've got this physical geology paper that hopefully wont be too bad I've just gotta do it... I feel behind in Chemistry lecture, ok in Chemistry lab but not sure I can remember everything for the mid term if I ever knew it in the first place.. Zoo lecture is awful I study until I think I know it well then get as much sleep as I can and barley pass the test :/ Chem lab is bad cuz all we've done thus far is 5 quizzes and I failed the first 2 and made 7/10 on the last 3 so I havent made any grades above a c in their yet : /. Midterm is gonna have a huge affect on my grade.
Social life is ok though I wish I had a lot more time to spend with people some more than others.
In my perfect school day i'd wake up, read my Bible, go to class and maybe study 2 or 3 hours, have a great lunch with friends, find someone to record me making blackberry jam or jalapeno jelly or apple butter or apple jelly or anything like that and post the video on YouTube and blog about it. Then I'd have dinner and play games and watch movies with friends. sounds fun. One more week and I get a week break from homework.....

I wanna include some pics though of fun things that have happened since my last post.


  1. As far as your classes go, I really do think it's the way you study that's the problem. I used to have the same issue until I learned the best way for me to study. I do a lot better now than I did when I was a sophomore. Just try different study styles.

    Social life---Well, don't we all wish we had more time for that? Or you can do what I do and save the social stuff for after Campus Ministries and stay up way too late and hate yourself for it in the morning.

    Your perfect school day sounds pretty good. But here's mine: wake up, breakfast devo with accountability partner, class, study/homework, NOM NOM NOM, go to the gym with Jason, Marcus, and Bobby, a few hours to read/write, NOM NOM NOM, Campus Ministry, and some Supernatural/Jungle Book...something like that. The PERFECT school day. PS. It's sad that you don't like all of your friends equally...Jerk-face. (JK)

    One more week until break = Less than one more week until my Human Phys. exam! :(

    I think my favorite photo is the first one of Marcus. Hilarious. I look stupid in that one photo, but so does Marcus, so it's okay. I love the last photo. Amy and Lisa look hilarious. You should add it to facebook.

    Have a super awesome day!!!


  2. lols yea i like the first one of Marcus too. I just need to get through Chem and Zoo... >.<
