Saturday, February 13, 2010

15 confessions cuz I cant think of 20 without breakfast

Yea I like the idea of posting this here cuz no one really reads my blog lol

1. Sometimes I just don’t understand you at all but your still a good friend

2. I think you’re a good leader and have grown a lot.

3. I miss hanging out with you it was always fun

4. I think you have crazy amounts of potential to go far

5. I think your really cool and I’d like to get to know you better

6. Your personality confuses everyone but I guess that’s just who you are

7. Though you broke my heart several times I’m not perfect either, but I forgive you for anything you did.

8. We should hang out more you’re my little and your pretty cool

9. You need to copy your music for me! You can have my music lol

10. You’re my new little we need to hang out!

11. I like you but even if you like me I'm not sure your ready

12. Im always busy when you try to hang out lol Maybe it’ll get easier

13. I never woulda walked like 5 miles through the creek if you hadn’t talked me into it

14. You’re my only ex-roommate that would leave a mini fridge in the room lol

15. The only friend I have who brags all day about how good you can dance to Womanizer


  1. So, I'm about 98% sure that I'm number six and no other numbers.

  2. I have no clue now.

  3. Well, if you don't know who I am on yours then that'll make it hard for me to figure out. LOLs. Ya know, the capital LOL guy looks like two legs with a head in between like he got his head cut off or that just looks creepy! I'm never using that guy again...

    Anyway, are you doing any better than you were last night? I'm sorry I wasn't up for you to talk to. If you need to talk...well, you know how to get a hold of me.

    I LIKE HOT CHOCOLATE (which means bye in Bella language).

  4. 槑 LOL im alil better ditto sorry I wasent awake when you texted me but I hope I helped. Everyone likes hot chocolate.. and I think thats hello in my language

  5. Everyone likes Hot Chocolate,

    You never did tell me what's bothering you, Sammy!

    I like Hot Chocolate.
