Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Lettuce and Cabbage

My seedlings are germinating! :) Still waiting on the Jalapenos to germinate, but they are all in a much warmer environment now. Its 81.8 degrees :). I've been thinking about other seeds I need to order soon. I want to grow some ever berry straw berries. They are smaller, but produce berries all year round instead of just one month.
Check Out the Red Cabbage!!

I spent last night and today re organizing and cleaning my room and I'm quite happy with it now :) I was looking through all the food and stuff I got for Christmas and theres really alot of great stuff there! Now I just need a friend to come hang out and snack with me lol. Any takers? Sigma Theta meeting tomorrow so Anthony Will be moving back in. He doesn't turn down good food and fellowship often lol. I want to wake up in the morning tomorrow. I went to bed around 6 this morning so I'll have to sleep alot earlier tonight

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to have to start watching this blog more closely if Sam is going to be talking about me. And Sam, I think you need to update your photo. You're hair is a little longer now. lol
