Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Had a dream last night. Was at church and gremlins attacked so i went and found my ax but they had already eaten most of it then it flooded and they multiplied and in the end i ended up just huddling in a group of people and selling crab apple jelly to the frantic crowds of people running by alittle while after that i woke up. Glad it was just a dream and gremlins didnt really attack but man wish i could sell that much jelly.


  1. Um, you need to stop eating food right before bed. Though, I can't really say much because I had dreams about vampires, wizards, werewolves and a movie theater last night.

  2. LOL when i remember my dreams there usually crazy like that.. what if im hungry b4 bed and feel like icecream!!! I think you've been reading twilight and harry potter too much... lol

  3. First of all, there can never be such a thing as too much Harry Potter. Secondly, you're probably right about Twilight. UGH. The books tick me off, but I can't leave them alone until Breaking Dawn has come out! BLAH. Rereading Eclipse is making me want to bash my own head in.

    And if eating are causing those dreams then you just have to go to bed hungry.
