Monday, May 10, 2010


I feel like Hamlet but she was never going to be my Ophelia was she, and now she wont even be my Horatio. but alas.. everything happens for a reason dosent it? I feel as though the sun has set on a barley new sunrise and no one can see it but me. As if I am invisible and alone watching everyone else move by as I sit and wait for nothing..


  1. Not really sure how Hamlet fits into your situation. And honestly, how can you say that you're waiting on something when you told the poor girl to wait around a year. For you to figure out whether you really want to be with her or whatever. That's a little ridiculous. The girl's not going to wait around for you. Especially when she realizes how unimportant she was to you. So, realize that you're the one who brought that on yourself. This isn't her fault. She hasn't done anything wrong or even anything for you to get mad at her for.

  2. I lost a friend... and i meant everything i told her... im waiting on having a good friend in my life like she was.. who I can talk to..
    ugh im sorry i wasent ready for more than that. I though you wernt either.

  3. I'm not. But I'm not waiting around on something that's never going to happen. I'm tired of not being important to you or anyone else.

  4. you were very importaint to me...

  5. Hmm...Odd way of showing it. Considering you were talking to me about liking a ton of other girls.

  6. ok i never said I liked a ton of other girls. I said I did like you. Wasent sure how much. Confused about how I felt towards everyone...Wanted to be friends. not ready for a relationship with anyone. and that I had never lied to you. Wanted someone I could talk to and tell everything I was going through.
    There are alot of people who are very importaint to me. If you were never importaint to me you would never have been a good friend.
