Friday, July 23, 2010

losing weight

I know the self control it takes to really lose weight. I've done it before it isint very easy i've lost 40 pounds in one summer before by eating squash and working outside all day every day lol. I dont usually have THAT much self control who does? but I want to lose weight before school starts on August 16th. Right now im 188-189 ish pounds and I want to get it to 170. Just 20 pounds in over 3 weeks I can totally do that. :) Today I had a 4egg and cheese sandwich and a gallon of water while I spent a few hours out picking berries. I'm pretty hungry right now So i'll prolly cook 2 or 3 ears of corn and just eat that.
Farmers Market in the morning tomorrow. Hope lots of people come out to check out everything the vendors have to offer! Any farmers market is the best place to get your favorite veggies fresh and good.


  1. You need to eat more. Your problem is that your body is now thinking that you're starving. You work a lot during the summer and eat less and that does not work. It isn't conducive to losing weight. If you eat more small meals a day (around six), it'll be easier to drop the weight.

  2. like grazing on veggies all day. As soon as I find some good veggies. No one was at the farmers market besides me... bah. i'll prolly be in Tahlequah Tuesday so I can run over to the market.
