Sunday, December 21, 2008

My Plants

Wolf Gifts & Collectibles

GAH stupid air i cant breathe like at all its getting annoying : / i like to breathe lol. So yea please pray that whatever is causing that goes away quickly. Today was like freezing lol I'm ready for spring :) ok so Will requested that i talk about what plants I have and that sounds fun to me. :)

well I don't have as much as i used to a lot of them died in the last few months.

I have 3 "airplane plants" aka the spider plant.

4 of umm this plant idk what it is Jackie gave me some a few years ago and he didn't know what it was lol.

I have 10 aloe plants they reproduce pretty fast

here's my last philodendron the others died so im trying to take good care of this one. They grow fine planted in a pot with dirt or just in plain water.

I got stems from 2 TI plants in Hawaii that you can soak in water and the stem sprouts roots. One was green and the other was red. My Green one died i was kinda sad.

I bought this one at Lowes at the beginning of the semester and carried it back to my dorm. The tag says its a Spikes Dracaena but its not that spiky so idk lol.

I got my cactus when i went to Arizona in 03 or 04 on a spring break trip with my scout troop. There were 4 cactus's in the dish but 3 died so this little guy is all that's left.

I'm not sure what this guy is either but I got it for Christmas last year lol.

same with this one but this one is cooler lol.

I'll prolly have more after Christmas maybe I'll do another post when i have more.
4 days till christmas!!!!! Start your shopping now if u havent yet!!!!!!


  1. I like the post! Interesting. I think I might by a plant now and keep it in my room!

  2. I like the post! Its cool. I think I might by a plant now and keep it in my room!
