Thursday, December 11, 2008

Gear Up for Twilight!

Hello all on this beautiful Thursday afternoon. :) i just got up at noon today is the first of the study days so no classes!! My goal for today is to do my comp 1 portfolio before the ΣΘΕ ΚΦ bonfire tonight. Travis is still asleep lol we both stayed up pretty late last night he went to bed at 4 and i went to bed at 5. I have been doing a lot of research about online advertising affiliate programs, and if its working you should see google ads between my blog posts. The way it works is google would pay me a little bit for every 100 clicks the ads get and I'm not allowed to click my own ads or strongly encourage other people to click them ;).*cough* *wink* *cough* But seriously i guess that means this web page is sponsored by google which is sooooo cool. I'm also workin on the one for cafe press which is by the way a really cool web site and you should check it out especially if you like designing stuff. lol blogging is fun I actually have readers now! i feel important :) I want to thank my first blog follower Blake my brother in ΣΘΕ and in Christ for reading my blog :) soo i think that's all that's new for now. I hope the bonfire is super fun and i wanna wish everyone an early Merry Christmas! Turn on the radio! Pull out the Christmas Cd's! Get in the Christmas spirit! ^_^

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