Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Good morning readers!!!! Your guys need to leave me more comments and suggestions!!! I haven't gotten anything in a while. So today I need to clean my room more again. I want it to look really good so i can post pics of it on here and be proud of it lol :) I need to put a few posts in Katy's pen too sometime today.

Below is a cat video to brighten up your day!!


Monday, December 29, 2008

sorry there was no post yesterday i fell asleep really early lol. I got a tool box for my truck today!! woo!! it looks good lol and i got my new pepper seeds. This pepper is super hot!!! try some if you dare. leave comments!!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

lol I slept a lot today I've really got to start going to bed earlier. My room looks a little better...again....Im using both of my radios for laptop sound now :P it sounds really cool.

I beat a few songs on guitar hero world tour its pretty hard but I'm getting better. Leave me comments. Be sure to check out my other blogs you can find them by clicking on my profile or under the info tab on my facebook.

lol so on Christmas dad got this flying monkey thing and he was like trying to direct music or something with it so i recorded him :P

Friday, December 26, 2008

yay!!! Christmas was fun!!!! so umm lets see I got 3 wolf shirts, a nice shirt, bunches of gift cards, a crock pot, plants, popcorn, books, a bluetooth headset, a movie, an automatic pepper grinder, money, sham wow!!!, a flashlight, and other stuff!!!! and lots of good family fellowship. So how was your Christmas? What did you get? Did anything exciting happen?? Leave me comments!!!!!!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!!!
hmm it doesn't feel like Christmas too me yet lol. I had fun Christmas eve lots of good food and fun with family and Haley :). Yea i remember I used to be all excited at Christmas and Christmas morning I would wake up in the middle of the night to see what i got in my stocking, but now I go downstairs at 1:30 in the morning cuz I'm hungry lol. Well I guess I'm still looking forward to tomorrow it'll be fun :) My allergies are getting a bit better I can breathe right now :)
Merry Christmas! Got Bless You!!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas eve!!!!! So my room looks like clean now its pretty cool lol. :) yay tonite will be fun lots of good food and family and good food :P :) Be sure to read some of my other blogs if you get a chance and don't forget to keep sending my ideas for topics! 1 day till Christmas!!!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

I went to the dentist today that wasent too bad. I survived lol. ummm i cleaned my room more. I started a couple more blogs that actually talk about stuff so you should check them out. I started reading the Chronicals of Narnia again too. So yea they skipped the 3rd book too. Prince Caspian is the 4th book. 3 days till christmas!!!! i think im done shopping lol :)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

My Plants

Wolf Gifts & Collectibles

GAH stupid air i cant breathe like at all its getting annoying : / i like to breathe lol. So yea please pray that whatever is causing that goes away quickly. Today was like freezing lol I'm ready for spring :) ok so Will requested that i talk about what plants I have and that sounds fun to me. :)

well I don't have as much as i used to a lot of them died in the last few months.

I have 3 "airplane plants" aka the spider plant.

4 of umm this plant idk what it is Jackie gave me some a few years ago and he didn't know what it was lol.

I have 10 aloe plants they reproduce pretty fast

here's my last philodendron the others died so im trying to take good care of this one. They grow fine planted in a pot with dirt or just in plain water.

I got stems from 2 TI plants in Hawaii that you can soak in water and the stem sprouts roots. One was green and the other was red. My Green one died i was kinda sad.

I bought this one at Lowes at the beginning of the semester and carried it back to my dorm. The tag says its a Spikes Dracaena but its not that spiky so idk lol.

I got my cactus when i went to Arizona in 03 or 04 on a spring break trip with my scout troop. There were 4 cactus's in the dish but 3 died so this little guy is all that's left.

I'm not sure what this guy is either but I got it for Christmas last year lol.

same with this one but this one is cooler lol.

I'll prolly have more after Christmas maybe I'll do another post when i have more.
4 days till christmas!!!!! Start your shopping now if u havent yet!!!!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Get Personal this Holiday Season!

I got to hang out with Haley today after workin on my room some more :) I had a good day I really wanna try to read my bible more though. I would appriciate some prayer on that from my readers. Leave me comments on what you want me to pray about for you. 5 days till christmas!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Find or Create Pet T-shirts at CafePress

lol so I slept most of the day today i guess i was just really tired. I got up around 4. I had the hot wings for leftovers they were still a little warm but not too bad. I've been workin on my room it still looks really bad. Dad got me some new shelves for my plants! I think the'll work out great thay look good so far. Leave me comments!!!! 6 days till christmas!!!!!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Yay im all moved out of my dorm room now. Dad came up and helped my load everything up in his truck then we ate at the chicken wing place its was goood. I got to see Haley when she got out of school. :) then I unloaded all my stuff into the house. After awhile i got my scout uniform on and went to Aaron's eagle board of review. I got to sit in the corner with Doc. and watch it was pretty funny :) it was nice to not be under so much stress like last time i was in there lol. After that we ate at buffalo wild wings and ate the blazin wings they wernt too bad but a little hot. I like wings to go better lol but it was fun!!! :) sooooooooooo like come on people!!!!!! LEAVE ME COMMENTS!!!!!! PLEEEEEESE!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I had my college algebra final today i dint think it was too bad. Tomorrow i have computers in modern society i just need to study a bit and i think I'll be ok. I've been helping Anthony put is t-shirt design on cafe press its pretty cool you can check it out at http://www.cafepress.com/Phyter . I need comments from my readers!! GAHHH I'm on a mac and i cant get anything to work lol..Come on people!! leave me comments tell me how you're doin, tell me what you want me to post in my blog more, post prayer requests, or just stop in to say hi but say something!!! have a great day and a merry Christmas in 8 days!!!!


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I'm like sooooo glad my Government final is over!!! 2 more to go i think college algebra is tomorrow and computers in modern society is Thursday morning then I'll be done!!! woo!!! I'm in the calf for lunch right now lol we had mac and cheese and chicken nuggets and fries and grilled cheese and rice and pizza. Everyone was all crazy at lunch and they were all talkin about someone who smelled like ice cream and me and Michael were like riiiight. lol I was up kinda late last night studyin for Government i got to bed at 4:30 :P i got up ok though so its cool. I need to do somethin today cuz i was pretty bored yesterday. ooo so i was in the library last night and was wanderin around lookin at the books on the shelves and a lot of them looked brand new, but they were from the 50's and 60's old encyclopedias and stuff some were from the 30's and there were 2 books from 1910 its like lol yea no one ever opens these books.

9 days till christmas!!!!!! Turn on the radio!!! and go elf yourself
Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Monday, December 15, 2008

Shop or Create What's on Your Mind at CafePress

So my first 2 finals are over Comp.1 and Humanities idk how i did but im just glad there over. Lunch was good today :) super good french fries. ummmm hmm i dont have a lot to say today lol dont slip on the ice!!!! do good on your finals!!!!! 10 days till christmas!!!!!! oh yea so heres a pic from the campfire:P

haha the elf yourself stuff is fun :)

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Sunday, December 14, 2008

ChristianCafe.com - All Christian.  All Single!

Gah!! I'm starting to get stressed out for finals now! Tomorrow morning I have a Comp 1. test that's gonna be really hard and a humanities test right after :/ no bueno!!! So I need to study like crazy today so I'll do all right. I think i know most of the fallacies but i really need to work on the citations. AHH!! i hope i do ok... I got a lot of my government essay questions done yesterday though :) At least it still feels good outside lol :) 11 days till Christmas!!!!!!!!

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Its such a nice day today!! Everyone should take some time today to go outside and enjoy the weather cuz its a beautiful warm day. We'll all wish we had it back on monday too I'm really hoping that storm isint going to be too bad. Yesterday I got to hang out with Haley for awhile then she came over and we watched a movie it was fun :) <3. Today My goal is to finish my government essay questions and start studing for my Comp 1. test thats on monday. My window is open so im enjoying the fresh air at the same time. I still need to do Christmas shopping bah humbug lol :P I <3 Christmas so turn on the christmas music and have a great day! Merry Christmas in 12 days!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Ok its 11:30 I'm awake. Its a little bit warmer that yesterday. umm i got most of my portfolio done last night i just need to figure out a few of the sources and how its supposed to go in the binder thing. The bonfire was fun we burned books lol then we watched a movie. Today I want to get some of my Government take home questions done and i need to take care of my meal plan for next semester. I really need to do alot of studying this weekend but I hope i get to spend some time with Haley <3. 13 days till Christmas!! woot! :) I'm still trying to get more people to read my blog sooo idk if your reading this tell your friends!!! lol come read about me!!! post comments too everyone likes comments you could tell me what i should talk about more or just stop by to say hi or you can always leave prayer requests I would be happy to pray for. I hope everyone has a great day!! Merry Christmas in 13 days!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Gear Up for Twilight!

Hello all on this beautiful Thursday afternoon. :) i just got up at noon today is the first of the study days so no classes!! My goal for today is to do my comp 1 portfolio before the ΣΘΕ ΚΦ bonfire tonight. Travis is still asleep lol we both stayed up pretty late last night he went to bed at 4 and i went to bed at 5. I have been doing a lot of research about online advertising affiliate programs, and if its working you should see google ads between my blog posts. The way it works is google would pay me a little bit for every 100 clicks the ads get and I'm not allowed to click my own ads or strongly encourage other people to click them ;).*cough* *wink* *cough* But seriously i guess that means this web page is sponsored by google which is sooooo cool. I'm also workin on the one for cafe press which is by the way a really cool web site and you should check it out especially if you like designing stuff. lol blogging is fun I actually have readers now! i feel important :) I want to thank my first blog follower Blake my brother in ΣΘΕ and in Christ for reading my blog :) soo i think that's all that's new for now. I hope the bonfire is super fun and i wanna wish everyone an early Merry Christmas! Turn on the radio! Pull out the Christmas Cd's! Get in the Christmas spirit! ^_^

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Bring out the animal in you at Whales & Friends

So this is my first blog and i would like to talk a little about who i am. I am a freshman in college and my first semester is almost over. Finals are next week. I have a beautiful girlfriend i love spending time with. I am a christian and love to fellowship with other Christians and grow closer to God. I love doin stuff online while i listen to my favorite christian bands right now I'm listin to Relient K. I am an Eagle Scout and love to go camping, rock climbing and rappelling, fishing, and sometimes outside work like splitting wood. I have ok grades A's and B's but i procrastinate way too much. I have a dog named Katy and a cat named Mayday. I love to grow plants and have a vegetable garden in spring. I always wish i had more time to do things outside which would be easier if I didn't procrastinate as much. well i guess that's all for now. :)