Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Mr. Green Christmas

Team Heat Miser!!!! haha

Urban Dictionary
Mr.Green Christmas - A person who always wants Christmas to be greener and more summer-like. They don't like the cold or snow.

Heat Miser

I'm sitting in my room listening to the hear miser song while I think about my garden :D I would love to walk outside and be hit with a wave of heat as I run into my garden and pick some fresh strawberries while I lay in the sun. Ahhh but alas I still have another semester of school before summer time. I need to order my seeds and get something growing. If anyone has requests of something in particular they want me to grow for them let me know!
I had a dentist appointment this morning and I didn't go to bed earlier last night so I'm like exhausted and grumpy today lol. The heat miser is helping me feel better though. Happy Christmas Eve Eve!!!

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