Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Garden thoughts

So thinking about what I can do about my garden right now... I feel a bit more garden inspired after talking to Billy tonight. He thinks there should be a farmers market at the church and I think that's an amazing idea. We also talked about a community garden which is exciting. I get excited when people are excited about growing their own food :D I need to get some seeds ordered. The only thing I can think of as far as actual garden work goes is to put all my compost on the garden and let it sit till February when I can till it up and plant some cold weather crops. I need to make a list of what exactly I'm going to plant first then get the seeds growing indoors asap.
Me and grandpa were pulling up dead plants in the garden like the okra and tomato vines today, but we noticed that the big tomato plant was kinda still greenish on the bottom. So I dug it up and stuck it in a pot to see if I can revive it a bit. Tomatoes are good at growing new healthy roots quick so I think it has a chance we'll see.

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