Thursday, December 31, 2009


My seeds from Pepper Jo came in the mail today! woot! Peppers are like shrimp ya kno? so many different kinds.. I got me some Hot panana pepper..long red slim pepper..spicy mustard habanero pepper..turkish cayenne cherry pepper..tabago seasoning pepper..flouresent purple pepper..tazmanian habanero pepper..giant bhut jolokia pepper..scotch bonnet pepper..bulgarian carrot pepper..golden nugget pepper..5 color marble pepper..alma paprika pepper..tabasco pepper..bolivian rainbow pepper..chicken heart pepper..white habanero pepper..golden habanero pepper.. :D Time to get my grow on!

Sunday, December 27, 2009


I'm deff ready for it to warm up outside and all this snow go away lol. My seeds havent arrived yet and i'm growing rapidly impatient. I don need quite a few fresh Jalapenos and Bell peppers to make my Jalapeno jelly so I may go ahead and start growing them. Dont worry i'll be sure to post pics. :) This semester I wanna lead the men's bible study, and i've been brainstorming topics I want to cover. Its gonna be alot of fun i'm excited :) I'm positive sigma theta is gonna be great to. Our new members have so much built up excitement and so many great ideas it's gonna be a blast :). Everyone should join my Wildwolf farm facebook group page!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Mr. Green Christmas

Team Heat Miser!!!! haha

Urban Dictionary
Mr.Green Christmas - A person who always wants Christmas to be greener and more summer-like. They don't like the cold or snow.

Heat Miser

I'm sitting in my room listening to the hear miser song while I think about my garden :D I would love to walk outside and be hit with a wave of heat as I run into my garden and pick some fresh strawberries while I lay in the sun. Ahhh but alas I still have another semester of school before summer time. I need to order my seeds and get something growing. If anyone has requests of something in particular they want me to grow for them let me know!
I had a dentist appointment this morning and I didn't go to bed earlier last night so I'm like exhausted and grumpy today lol. The heat miser is helping me feel better though. Happy Christmas Eve Eve!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Garden thoughts

So thinking about what I can do about my garden right now... I feel a bit more garden inspired after talking to Billy tonight. He thinks there should be a farmers market at the church and I think that's an amazing idea. We also talked about a community garden which is exciting. I get excited when people are excited about growing their own food :D I need to get some seeds ordered. The only thing I can think of as far as actual garden work goes is to put all my compost on the garden and let it sit till February when I can till it up and plant some cold weather crops. I need to make a list of what exactly I'm going to plant first then get the seeds growing indoors asap.
Me and grandpa were pulling up dead plants in the garden like the okra and tomato vines today, but we noticed that the big tomato plant was kinda still greenish on the bottom. So I dug it up and stuck it in a pot to see if I can revive it a bit. Tomatoes are good at growing new healthy roots quick so I think it has a chance we'll see.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Seeking inspiration for every part of my life...

so life still sucks but it could always get worse.. I hate feeling empty.. I wish she would suffer as much as she made me suffer every second every day without even knowing it, and at the same time I wish she could be the only person in the world who never had to suffer..cuz I care about her.. but eventually it will get better.. I wish it was hot and green outside.. but I know for sure that will get better in a few months.. I need to prepare myself over the break for next semester. I need to prepare myself to be a leader in the ccf house. I need to take the initiative to study 2 hours for every hour in class like everyone knows they should, and spend daily time with God seeking him so I will be able to lead bible studies and encourage others and find more joy. I would love to have more joy in my life..
I need more encouragement before I can do too much with my garden. I see the garden like art. The soil is my canvas and the seeds are my paint. If I'm not feeling inspired I cant grow things as well..

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Finally Christmas Break!!!

I finished my Macro final finally!

lol So now i'm left to clean the house up a bit and pack and go home. Last night Me and Tom went to Taco Bell and talked for awhile over a few chicken burritos. Tom called mom and apparently freaked her out when he said "Sam is being held hostage at Taco Bell" lol he thought she would recognize his voice and know that he cant be serious :P So if I ever get everything packed I'll leave for home tonight. Hopefully i'll have time to get some good work done on the garden *looks over at his garden hoe, dirt rake, and ax laying on the couch* Its pretty quite around campus right now, but Lisa is still at the girls house so I at least I know i'm not the only one left here lol. If I get home and make myself get around to doing something productive I may actually have something interesting to blog about. Until then I'm just blogging away while I pack and heat up yesterdays homemade cheese dip and blast a little Gaelic Storm on the surround sound system.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Ready for Christmas break

So I am soooo ready for Christmas break. I gotta take my Macro test tomorrow then I'll clean the house up a bit then pack up and go home. Tom called me a big ago with news of another couch we can have for the guys house so I helped him get it and im layin on it right now :D Its apparently kinda old lol but thats cool its comfy. Tom might take me to dinner tonight if he gets done at the airport. Made some good cheese dip this morning while I finished watching the whole 5th season of supernatural lol. I need to work out some new jam and jelly recipes over the break for this summer. I think I'll make the recipes that sound the best then survey some people what they think :D