Sunday, March 21, 2010

Im testing moble blogging. Sometimes when im feeling blogging inspiration I need an easier way to blog then to find an internet connection for my laptop so im trying the option of writting a blog from my phone.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Homework, midterms, and life by the end of the day I never really remember the morning. It feels like months ago. Didnt have a clue what my professor was talking about in Chem lecture after that I grabbed some food and worked on Chem homework taking a break to go to zoo lecture. I then grabbed my Chem work and rushed back to the science building to check out this chemistry help session thing. It was pretty cool I got my work done!!! Now i've got to work on understanding it more. Nerf gun fight was fun my nerf gun totally rules. Hobnobbing was good lots of people and fun times. Got my Physical geology quiz done and soon to go to bed for a long day of hopefully completely writting a paper and studying? Tomorrow. If my grades were a plant they would be a sycamore tree. Cuz they just look sick more :/ hope that can change soon.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


So Midterms are next week and i've got this physical geology paper that hopefully wont be too bad I've just gotta do it... I feel behind in Chemistry lecture, ok in Chemistry lab but not sure I can remember everything for the mid term if I ever knew it in the first place.. Zoo lecture is awful I study until I think I know it well then get as much sleep as I can and barley pass the test :/ Chem lab is bad cuz all we've done thus far is 5 quizzes and I failed the first 2 and made 7/10 on the last 3 so I havent made any grades above a c in their yet : /. Midterm is gonna have a huge affect on my grade.
Social life is ok though I wish I had a lot more time to spend with people some more than others.
In my perfect school day i'd wake up, read my Bible, go to class and maybe study 2 or 3 hours, have a great lunch with friends, find someone to record me making blackberry jam or jalapeno jelly or apple butter or apple jelly or anything like that and post the video on YouTube and blog about it. Then I'd have dinner and play games and watch movies with friends. sounds fun. One more week and I get a week break from homework.....

I wanna include some pics though of fun things that have happened since my last post.