Saturday, June 26, 2010

farmers market

Farmers market today went well. We had one new guy selling his extra squash, one guy selling blueberries and tomatoes, and another guy selling tomatoes green beans cucumbers and other veggies, I brought out my blackberries and assorted blackberry commodities, we had the goat cheese assorted vegetable plants and some honey from Broken Arrow. Didn't have as many customers most of the day but I always enjoy the fellowship especially after being gone foe 2 weeks.
I'm still waiting on the parts I need for my bee hive to come in the mail so I can get it started.

Friday, June 25, 2010

waking up and dreaming

Ugh its so hard to get up in the morning when its just me and my alarm clock. I wake up 4 or 5 times and every time pass back out.. >.< anyway... Last nights dream was pretty cool. I was on a train and i guess it was mostly me and the people who went to falls creek with my church. There were 3 or 4 adults who climbed out a window and were walking around outside like cartoons like stretching there legs 20 feet and easily keeping up with the train i remember 2 of them were Jim and Ben. Then the guy driving the train comes out and explained how because of him that was a feature of his train everyone on it was like a cartoon. Idk who he was some tall old man with short thick white hair. We were all kinda glowing and had a slight funky yellow outline that flickered. After that i ended up outside and he was there and had some kind of weird cartoon hang glider. And he was alot younger now more around my age like he was my friend. He told me to hang on and we took off zooming forward and spinning and i almost threw up several times but it was still awesome. We ended up in Ireland and saw a concert and when we got closer i realized it was Gaelic Storm. So we landed on the roof and listened for awhile. Someone finally spotted us so we started to take off again but the glider kinda swooped in front of the stage in the process b4 we got away crashing the concert. Then my alarm went off for like the 4th time so i got up..... So after riding a cartoon train and hangliding to Ireland and crashing a concert of one of my favorite bands.. Ive got to get up and get something productive done today.. And get ready for tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

bee hive

Finished my first bee hive yesterday all it needs it the 24 top bars and the false back bar all of which is in the mail and show be here within a week. Then it just needs some bees! ^_^ so i'll post more pictures when its really really done.

Monday, June 14, 2010

From Hale scout camp to Falls Creek

last week was scout camp. I had fun getting to know the new scouts and the leaders better. Pretty much every morning around 5 me and some of the other leaders got up and headed down to the pool for mile swim practice. The swimming wasent too bad but the excercises were exausting. On Thuresday morning we got up and went down to the lake and swam a mile. Skylar was my swimming buddy and he was trying to go alot faster than I wanted to go lol but I mad it through all right.
I've been workin on this bee hive for awhile I just finished the lid that goes over the top of the hive a few minits ago. I'll have to finish the rest of the hive after Falls creek.... then get some bees!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Had a dream last night. Was at church and gremlins attacked so i went and found my ax but they had already eaten most of it then it flooded and they multiplied and in the end i ended up just huddling in a group of people and selling crab apple jelly to the frantic crowds of people running by alittle while after that i woke up. Glad it was just a dream and gremlins didnt really attack but man wish i could sell that much jelly.