Wednesday, September 29, 2010

garden and homemade soda pop

I feel like I need to post some more on my garden before the growing season is completely over.  Last Sunday I picked a gallon of green beans and some okra. Im hoping to get at least one pumpkin to grow on my vine.... But im not sure if any of the flowers will get pollinated or not..

last Monday night I decided to attempt to brew soda pop the traditional way. Buy mixing fruit juices, seasonings, spices, with water and sugar and adding yeast. This mixture is bottled and sits for 2 to 3 days maybe a week depending on how long it needs.  As the yeast eats some of the sugar it releases carbon dioxide gas carbonating the drink. When It has the right level of carbonation you put the bottles into the fridge to slow the process down and drink them whenever you want!  The Cherry  lemon soda I made just finished today. :D

If you ever read my blog id love it of you could leave comments telling me what you think :)


p.s. Pray for Anthony's brother Caleb he fell off his bike last night and broke his arm and chipped a tooth