Monday, January 5, 2009

So is everyone gettin excited for school to start again yet? So its beedn really cold i want the warm weather to come back. Then i can finish workin on Katys pen fuuun lol. So hows everyone doin? post comments

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Here are a few pics of the damage on the front of my truck.

a few parts in front under the hood got bent too but i think they'll be ok

I was looking for replacement parts and I want you all to post comments with your opinions on them.

while I'm at it heres a pic of my tool box i think it looks pretty cool :)

Saturday, January 3, 2009


GAHHH so yea i hate deer now...stupid deer. Yet another reason why I support wolves.

So I'm driving to Haley's house its dark, and theres this older guy driving an old truck in front of me. He has this hay bail holder thing hooked to the back of his truck. A deer jumps out in front of him and it was practically under his truck. He stomps on his breaks the deer jumps up and runs off it was a buck with about 3 foot antlers. The hay bail holder thing was like 2 metal parts with a tire in middle and its kinda long. The tire part slid against his bumper and sparks were everywhere from the metal bar on the back and the whole thing kinda flipped over and the pencil sharp metal spike thing swings a couple feet out and hits the hood of my truck. So we stop and pull over and call 911 and everyone comes out there. His truck was fine i guess he barley missed the deer but yea the flying spark throwing steel bars that flew out bit my truck hood which got scratches and a hole in the middle. The guy didn't have his insurance cuz it was his brothers truck. So he calls his brother in Wagoner who finally gets there after like half an hour idk. The the Cop talks to me and I get a ticket for following to close cuz he said if you hit someone from behind its always always always your fault no matter what! So after all that crap now i have to go to court!!! GAHHH!!!!! STUPID DEER!!!!!!!

I'm now supporting the ADA on facebook (anti deer alliance)

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!!!! post comments about your new year resolutions and what all you did to celebrate New Years!!